Treating you like a neighbor means offering a checking account that pays you. Earn high interest just for banking down the road.


Key Features

  • Competitive Interest*
  • ATM Withdrawal Fee Refunds*
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Free checking that pays high interest
  • 4.00% APY* on balances up to $25,000
  • 4.00% to 1.38% APY* on balances over $25,000.01 depending on balance in account
  • 0.05% APY* if qualifications aren't met
  • Refunds on ATM withdrawal fees, nationwide (up to $20 monthly)**
  • No minimum balance to earn rewards
  • No monthly maintenance fee
  • Unlimited free monthly transactions
  • Free digital banking services, including:
    • Free online banking & bill pay
    • Free mobile banking including mobile deposit
    • Free eStatements
    • Free person to Person (P2P) Payment
  • Free Visa® debit card
  • No minimum deposit to open


Qualifying for rewards is so easy, you're probably already doing it! It's as simple as doing the following each monthly qualification cycle:

  • Have at least 12 debit card purchases post and settle
  • Be enrolled in and agree to receive eStatements

If you don't meet the qualifications one month, don't worry. There is no penalty, and you still have a free checking account that earns our base interest rate. Plus, you can get back to earning big interest and nationwide ATM fee refunds the very next month.

*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. APY is accurate as of 02/14/2025. Neighbor Rewards Checking Disclosure:  If your daily balance is greater than zero but less than or equal to $25,000.00 AND you meet the qualifications for this account, the interest rate paid on the balance greater than zero but less than or equal to $25,000.00 will be 3.92%, with an Annual Percentage Yield of 4.00%.  If your daily balance is equal to or greater than $25,000.01 AND you meet the qualifications for the account, the interest rate paid on the balance equal to or greater than $25,000.01 will be 0.50% and the Annual Percentage Yield for this tier will range from 4.00% - 1.38%, depending on the account balance.  Base Rate:  If you do not meet the qualifications for this account, the interest rate paid on the entire balance will be 0.05% with and Annual Percentage Yield of 0.05%. Your interest rate and Annual Percentage Yield may change.  To qualify for Neighbor Rewards Checking interest rates and receive reimbursements on your ATM fee surcharges, you must perform the following during the monthly statement cycle:  Have a minimum of 12 check card (debit card) purchases post and settle per monthly statement cycle (not counting ATM transactions) and enroll in eStatements and receive your monthly account statement electronically.  When Neighbor Rewards Checking qualifications are not met, the interest rate paid on the entire balance will be at the base interest rate for the statement cycle and ATM fees will not be refunded.  Statement cycle means the period of time for which Portage Community Bank provides a summary of the financial activities and transactions that post and settle to the account holder's account.  Please note that transactions may take one or more banking days from the date the transaction is made to post and settle to an account.  ATM withdrawals do not count as qualifying debit card transactions for the purpose of earning rewards, within this account.  

** ATM Refunds:  When monthly qualifications are met, domestic ATM fees will be reimbursed up to a maximum amount of $20.00 in ATM Fee refunds per monthly statement cycle.